Website design is one of the most popular professions in the Information Technology contemporary world. Perhaps this can be attributed to the large numbers of people who are frequenting the online industry for the gold mine that it is in order to make an extra buck or gain financial freedom. For whichever reason that web design is popular, it is well one of the most crucial aspects of online businesses. Difficult as it may sound, it would amaze you to know that you can design your own website without ever having stepped in a website design class. What with the numerous tools, software, tips and even guidelines on how to design your site just the way you want it. This article will attempt to give you an overview of what website designing entails and how you can use various tools to your benefit.
As easy as web designing sounds, it is not really a piece of cake for anyone. It takes countless number of hours to design a website to your total satisfaction and a great deal of effort too. The lack of good web design tutorials does not help much either. It could be frustrating trying to design a website yet you have no idea where to start. However, web design needs not be an ogre that cannot be conquered.
The basic rule of websites is ‘keep it simple’. No matter how intense you want your site to appear, simplicity is a basic factor. It determines how easy it will be to access things on your site and consequently how much visitors are going to like your site.
There are several important principles that you can utilize to guide you through the process of designing a website. Most importantly, you need to consider the timing. Gone are those days when flash was the in thing on websites. Also, the days of getting fixated on filters offered by web design programs are long gone. Make sure you use these elements in moderation because the modern day internet user is more focused on quality content.
Screen resolutions are becoming more and more advanced at a rapid rate. When choosing your font, make sure you put this in mind. It is no longer fashionable to use 10px font; in fact, going below 12px on font is a big NO. Make sure you use your colors well and avoid using them in excess. Contrast is usually harder to create when you have over three colors shouting on your site and what’s more, they distract the viewer from the content of the site. Again, do not try to create contrast using two similar colors like white and gray because it just won’t work out.
When designing your site, put your site goals first. Success in web designing is not about using the same formula and layout as other successful websites but creating your unique design that complements the goals of your site. Lastly, before introducing a new aspect of web design, try to work with existing designs and make sure you can create something good out of them.
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