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Web development guidelines

Web Design | on Apr. 08, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Web development like any other construction like activities has particular guidelines that have to be followed to ensure smooth construction, proper function of the website, give your clients a good experience and to recommend other interested visitors to your website and encourage them to visit your website from time to time.

One of the major ways of ensuring that your visitors have good experience is by making them comfortable. Always be cautious of the content you put in your website. Some content like graphics and flash may annoy your visitors. Annoying your clients will make them not to visit your site again thereby loosing traffic and profits from the site. Also, do not include a lot of graphics, images and videos on your website. Graphics and other related applications make your website load slowly. You should use graphics only when it is necessary. Most clients are frustrated by slow loading websites and they would rather visit other websites for the same information. You can visit the internet to obtain tips on how to make a fast loading website

Your website should be easy to navigate, maintain and to add additional content. Clients should be able to access information easily during navigation. Always ensure that all tags and tabs can be seen well by all people visiting the site. It is important to put the navigation where clients expect them to be. Most navigation tabs are located either at the top of the site or on the left side of the website. Ensure that your clients can be able to get round the site easily by putting the navigation bar where expected. At the same time always make sure that all your pages have a link to the homepage. This makes it easy to access the navigation for any other information they may want.

Sometimes, you find new content that you would like to add to the website. Having a website that has enough space to add additional content when needed would be very important. Make sure you update your site according to recent updates.  Moving with the time encourages your clients to visit your website at all times. Adding Google link to your website can also make your clients and visitors more content. Clients may need to clarify something from Google and having the link to this search engine would be very advantageous.

Experience from other webmasters is also very important to especially for newbies. You can take time to visit major websites that are known to attract lot traffic to see how they have organized their website. Visiting such websites will give you an idea on how to bring up a good and appealing website. Some websites may have information on how to develop a good website and browsing through such a website would play a pivotal role in coming up with an equally good website. Utilising these tips will not only ensure a good and appealing website but also encourage flow of traffic to your site and good profits.

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