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Web development language translation

Web Design | on Apr. 08, 2011 | by 0 Comments

World Wide Web started in the western world and has been used by many English speaking people for a long time.  People whose English is either their first or second language can use websites with English content without a problem. Advancement in technology has made it possible for Non-English speakers to use the internet. These people require web content to be costumed in the language they can understand.

Web developers wishing to sell their products and services all over the world have to consider using translation services to allow people from different languages to read the content in their respective languages. If you have the necessary resources, you can create your website such that the content can be changed in to different language at clients’ convenience. This may require you to use sophisticated applications that will code for the different languages. Client side enhancement applications are used to allow clients to view the different languages options at the top of the web page.

However, some people may be unable to distinguish the various languages observed at the top of the web page. To make things easier for them, you can put flag like images for the different nations instead. When they see a flag corresponding to their country, they can click on it and the content will be changed to their native language. The advantage of using symbolic pictures is that most people can easily understand them and they know what language is used in a certain country. Creating such a website is costly and most webmasters may be unable to afford.

Conversely there are several other options that you can use for translating services. There are several well know websites that offer translation services at extremely low costs. and are some of the well known websites that offer quality translation services at affordable prices. Translators in this case are humans who apply for the translation jobs posted on these websites. Such people are conversant with several languages and translate from one language to the next. This may be tricky especially if you are not fully conversant with a certain language.

With the advancement in technology, software engineers have been able to develop programs that can translate content from one language to another. Mostly, these programs create platforms that are divided into two. You copy the content you would like to translate on one of the frames and provide the necessary instructions. Commands like translate from this language to that language are provided. For example, if you have content that you would like to change from English to Chinese, you provide the instruction, “change from English to Chinese” and then execute the command. It may take several minutes to translate the content. Translation programs can translate any content to any of the major languages. Some of them can translate more than fifty languages.

Web development language translation has become very important with the realization that people using the internet are from different languages and cultural groups. Translating the content such that people around the world can access your content has invaluable benefits. It allows millions of people to know what you offer increasing traffic and profits to your site.

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